(PRINT) How Movember is Making a Difference Amid Rise in Prostate Cancer Diagnosis (Prostate Cancer Awareness Month) - HealthInsight.ca and Maclean’s magazine
(VIDEO) National charity raising awareness through campaign (Testicular Cancer Awareness Month) - CityNews Toronto
(AUDIO) Prostate Cancer Awareness Month - CHQR AM 770 Calgary
(AUDIO) Prostate Cancer Awareness Month - CHED AM 630 Edmonton
(VIDEO) The Role That Ancestry Plays in Your Risk of Developing Prostate Cancer - Breakfast Television (National)
(AUDIO) Testicular Cancer Awareness Month - 680 News Toronto
(AUDIO) CityNews AM 1130 - Movember Campaign 2022
(VIDEO) Global News Morning Vancouver - Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, 2022